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Vision Sync

“Presenting with Impact: Empowering Women in the Workplace"


Research shows that women are interrupted more often than men, speak less often in meetings, and are more likely to be judged on their communication style rather than the content of their message. As women in the workplace, we face significant obstacles when trying to communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively, especially when presenting technical information. Additionally, women hold only 26% of technical roles and 23% of leadership positions, making it even harder for us to have a seat at the table and be heard. In this blog post, we'll explore best practices for presenting technical information, including data analysis, technical specifications, and research findings. Additionally, we'll discuss other important considerations such as presenting options, decision-making frameworks, creating a pre-read, and influencing strategies to engage key stakeholders and build alignment.

Data Analysis:

- Use visualizations to communicate insights and trends

- Focus on key findings and recommendations

- Less is more - Avoid overwhelming the audience with too much data

Technical Specifications:

- Use clear and concise language

- Use diagrams and flowcharts to illustrate complex systems

- Highlight key features and benefits

Research Findings:

- Use clear and concise language

- Use visualizations to communicate results

- Focus on implications and recommendations

Presenting Options:

- Consider the audience and tailor the presentation accordingly

- Use interactive elements such as polls and Q&A sessions

- Provide options for further learning and exploration

Decision-Making Framework:

- Use a structured approach to guide decision-making

- Consider multiple perspectives and scenarios

- Evaluate risks and opportunities

Creating a Pre-Read:

- Provide a summary of key points and findings

- Use visualizations and concise language

- Encourage audience members to review before the presentation

Less Tell, More Hear:

- Encourage audience participation and engagement

- Ask open-ended questions to stimulate discussion

- Listen actively and respond thoughtfully

Influencing Strategies:

- Engage key stakeholders in the meeting prior to the presentation

- Build relationships and establish credibility

- Paraphrase feedback and incorporate it into the presentation

Paraphrasing Feedback:

- Repeat back what you've heard to ensure understanding

- Use phrases like "What I hear you saying is..." or "Just to make sure I understand..."

- Incorporate feedback into the presentation to show that you value the audience's input

Building Alignment:

- Identify key stakeholders and their interests

- Tailor the presentation to address their concerns

- Emphasize the benefits and value of the proposal


As women in the workplace, can overcome the statistical obstacles and biases that prevent us from communicating complex ideas effectively by using these best practices and strategies. Remember to engage key stakeholders, paraphrase feedback, and build alignment to make your presentation even more impactful.


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